In this section

Primary Care

The BDA believes that dietitians have a critical role to play in supporting primary care services for conditions relating to diet and nutrition.

Dietitians and Rehabilitation

Dietitians have an important role to play in rehabilitating and supporting the recovery of people who have had COVID-19 and those impacted by the COVID-19 lockdown.

Independent Prescribing

Dietitians already have supplementary prescribing rights, but the BDA believes that full, independent prescribing rights are needed and has joined with other AHPs to campaign for this.

Nutritional Borderline Substances - The case for change

The BDA wants to ensure patients have quick and appropriate access to the NBS they need

Influencing the NHS England Long Term Plan

The NHS England Long Term Plan sets out the future of the NHS in England for the next 10 years, including the creation of Integrated Care Systems


Although the UK has managed to leave the EU with a deal, there may still be longer term impacts on food poverty and standards.

BDA Work Ready

Work Ready is the BDA's programme to promote better workplace health and wellbeing through better nutrition.

Making the Case for Gluten Free

The BDA wants to support our members to make the case for the ongoing provision of Gluten Free products by the NHS

Folic Acid Fortification

Folate plays a crucial role in preventing Neural Tube Defects in pregnancy and we want to see all flour fortified to help protect babies