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BDA Legal advice line is open 8am – 7pm Monday to Friday.

Advice line: 0800 668 1922

COVID-19 Update

The outbreak of COVID-19 is affecting all sectors of business including the legal sector.  The BDA Legal service is no exception to the measures outlined by Government and Public Health experts. We therefore want to reassure you that we shall be continuing to maintain a service to you albeit much reduced.  Whilst this situation remains extremely fluid, we wanted to take this opportunity to share an update on the measures we are taking to protect the health and well-being of our employees.

BDA Legal – All departments at our law firm UnionLine will be staffed to a minimum as many of our staff are able to work remotely from home.  This will ensure case handling will continue to be worked on via our on-line claims management software.  We would ask that during these difficult times to please limit any contact with BDA Legal to essential issues only. 

Employment Tribunal Hearings -  It has also been confirmed on Thursday 19th March 2020 that In view of the rapidly changing circumstances created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Presidents of the Employment Tribunals in England & Wales and in Scotland have directed that from Monday 23 March 2020 all in-person hearings (hearings where the parties are expected to be in attendance at a tribunal hearing centre) will be converted to a case management hearing by telephone or other electronic means which will take place (unless parties are advised otherwise) on the first day allocated for the hearing.  If the case is set down for more than one day then parties should proceed on the basis that the remainder of the days fixed have been cancelled.

This direction also applies to any hearing that is already in progress on Monday 23 March 2020 and, if not already addressed before then, the parties may assume that the hearing on that day is converted to a case management hearing of the kind referred to above.

On behalf of BDA Legal & UnionLine may I thank you for your patience during this incredibly difficult and challenging time and we hope you and your families stay safe and well. 

John Colbert – UnionLine

Annette Mansell-Green - BDA

BDA Legal, provided to members through the BDA Trade Union, provides a range of legal services to BDA members and their families, including personal injury and employment law claims, free simple wills, conveyancing, as well as a free advice line that can cover any legal issue:

BDA Legal also offers a criminal and regulatory service, family law service and a dedicated Scottish Law firm service.

The primary focus of BDA Legal is to provide exceptional legal services to BDA members and maintain 100% of their cost awarded by taking no deductions from their compensation.

BDA members can log in to access the following services. Non-members, please join us online today.

  1. Legal Services
  2. Legal Advice Line
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Employment Services
  5. Criminal and Regulatory Matters
  6. Conveyancing
  7. Wills and Powers of Attorney

UnionLine is a trading name of Trade Union Legal LLP. UnionLine is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 608309