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Accessibility Statement for this website

We want everyone who visits the British Dietetic Association website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding, we are committed to making our website accessible to all Internet users.

What are we doing?

To help us make the British Dietetic Association website a positive place for everyone, we've been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities, and user friendly for everyone.

Help with accessibility

This guide from AbilityNet explains how to adjust your computer and browser according to your needs, such as for sight or hearing problems.

It covers how to make the text larger in different browsers, change your keyboard or mouse settings, or increase colour contrast.

AbilityNet is a national charity that helps disabled adults and children to use computers and the internet.

Let us know what you think

If you enjoyed using the British Dietetic Association website, or if you had trouble with any part of it, please get in touch. We'd like to hear from you: