Coeliac disease and gluten-free diet

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition. When someone with coeliac disease eats gluten, it causes the body’s immune system to attack and damage its own tissues. This fact sheet discusses symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Coeliac disease.

Fruit and vegetables - how to get five-a-day

By eating at least five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables a day, you will not only look and feel better, but you will give your body many essential nutrients that it needs to maintain your overall long-term health.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and diet

This Food Fact Sheet looks at Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and how a healthy diet can help.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diet

Dietary changes can often help irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and sometimes simple changes are all that are needed. This Food Fact Sheet explains that dietary changes can help these symptoms.

Skin health

If you feel like you have lost your ‘glow’ or wish to maintain healthy skin, read on for some top food and lifestyle tips to get you glowing inside and out.

Healthy packed lunches

Packed lunches can be easy, healthy and exciting. These tips can help you make a tasty and nutritious lunch and help you choose options from the main food groups.


This Food Fact Sheet looks at salt in our diet, how to identify foods containing too much salt and tips to moderate salt consumption and improve your health.


Do you really need supplements or are they just a waste of money? Mixed messages from the media, family and friends can make things even more confusing. This Food Fact Sheet will help you decide.

Depression and diet

Good nutrition is important for our mental and physical health. This Food Fact Sheet will look at how following a healthy diet can protect your mental health.


Carbohydrates are an important nutrient we use for fuel. Foods containing carbohydrates form part of a healthy, balanced diet for many people.

Wheat free diet

Wheat is found in many foods, so a wheat free diet can be restrictive. This fact sheet is intended as a basic guide to eating wheat free.

Food labelling: nutrition information

Checking the nutrition label is a good way to compare products, make healthier choices and eat a balanced diet. This fact sheet aims to help you understand and use the nutrition information presented on the food label.

Healthy snacks

This Fact Sheet will help you to choose snacks that will form a nutritious part of your diet. It will help you avoid snacks that can contribute too many extra calories and additional fat, sugar and salt to your food intake.

Diabetes - Type 1

Good diabetes control will help you lead a full and active life and prevent other health complications.

Sport and exercise

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting the training and competition demands of athletes – recreational or elite – in any sport. Good food choices help make sure you have enough energy, which in turn helps training and aids recovery.

Food and mood

Is it possible to plan a diet for a good mood? This fact sheet includes healthy eating tips to improve your mental wellbeing.

Autism and diet

If you are autistic, you may have difficulty with communication and social interactions with others. This Fact Sheet looks at the most common dietary problems affecting autistic people and how dietitians can help.

Detox Diets

The idea behind detoxing is that from time to time we need to clear the “toxic waste” from our body in order to stay healthy. This Fact Sheet will explore the myths around detox diets and explain the benefits of a balanced diet.

Healthy Eating

Eating a variety of foods can improve general wellbeing, reduce the risk of conditions including heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes and osteoporosis and help you manage your weight.


Fibre is essential for your gut to work normally. It increases good bacteria which supports your immunity against inflammatory disorders and allergies.

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